I posted on my Facebook page that Samson was born on Dec. 12th and weighed in at 10 pounds 4 oz! What a big boy! I promised photos from his newborn photo shoot and here they are. Just try and resist this face. He wasn't quite a newborn anymore, especially considering he was over 10 pounds!

In my previous post from Angie's maternity shoot I showed photos of their doggies licking her belly, Lenny is now licking toes instead!
Loved Samson's onsie with the SF zipcode. So clever.
Louis wanted to get some shots of Samson on his motorcycle. I really was not sure how we would pull it off, but we figured it out! Too funny. We tired him out!
What a unique and creative newborn shoot. The shot with the dog licking toes is just priceless, and the newborn on the motorcycle is a work of art! Thanks for sharing!!