Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lisa and James- From Belly to Baby

I met Lisa and James in February, for their maternity photo shoot. James gave it to Lisa for a gift. So sweet, right? At one point James responded in an email, "sorry for the delayed response, I have pregnancy brain and I'm not even pregnant!" Cracked me up. From the look of the photos you would never have known it was February! What a beautiful day it was. Lisa and James wanted to use Dolores Park for a background for some of the shots. It was perfect. We just had to navigate the half naked people, you know what happens when the sun comes out in the city. We had so much fun!

Lisa and James really wanted to do newborn photos. I told them the best timeframe was in the first 10 days.  They scheduled their newborn session for the 5th day. I was so proud of them. I told them it would seem crazy to have me come over to shoot only 5 days into being parents, but they were up for the challenge. When I walked in the door, I sensed Lisa was a bit overwhelmed, as you can imagine. When I asked her how she was doing, she teared up. I hugged her and more tears came. I felt so bad, I knew just how she felt. I looked at James, and said, " I should come back another day." Lisa insisted I should stay. She was such a trooper, I can't even tell you. Becoming a new mom is such a daunting task. There is no manual. Our hormones are crazy, we are sleep deprived, but we now have a baby who needs us.

Addy, their first born (the doggie) was so sweet. She was great with Alexis, but she still wanted to play!

Little baby Alexis was an absolute doll. What an angel. We even got photos of her in a Christening gown made close to 40 years ago by a family member. How special. She was alert and she slept. She was great! I couldn't have asked for more. By the end of the shoot, we were all laughing so hard we were crying. It was a great shoot.

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