Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I've Got Competition

One of the things I love most about my job is that it is never boring or predictable. This was definitely the case last week when I went on a maternity shoot. This was Heather's second pregnancy. She told me that she had a little boy that was almost 3. I let her know that I am very comfortable with little boys and we would do our best to get some good shots of him, but not to expect too many of him looking at the camera. She let me know he was used to getting his picture taken and he should cooperate.

I still did not expect much. When I arrived at their home, Harrison met me with smiles and instant chatter. I was already a fan! He was too cute. He likes to be called Harry Potter.  Most kids are at least shy when I first arrive, and then warm up. Not Harrison, he made me instantly at ease. His dad told him to get his camera, when I was getting my camera ready. He came out with a little toy, digital camera. Apparently you can even hook it up to the computer to view the photos. So, he stood along side me and took some pictures of his mom and dad, with his camera.

He was an angel through the whole shoot. When I asked him to look and smile, he did. When I asked him to look at mommy's belly, he did. He was full of hugs and kisses for his baby brother or sister. We had such a fun shoot. Working with 2 and 3 year olds can be a bit of work some times, but Harrison made my job very easy. Mom and dad told Harrison he needed to put his camera away, and head off to preschool. It was Hawaiian shirt day. Dad took Harrison off to pre school, and I finished the shoot with mom. When we finished I went to put my camera in my camera bag. I opened it up to find Harrison had put his digital toy camera in my camera bag! I almost died. He put his camera away, where he thought it belonged, in a camera bag, with the big cameras. Makes me smile every time I think of opening my bag to see his little camera there. Hopefully he continues to take lots of photos, he will be a master by time he is 4!


  1. I LOVE those pics. What a cutie that "Harry Potter" sounds like!


  2. Thank you for the lovely photos of my family. Our little Harrison is quite the young man. You perfectly captured the love that abounds in this home. Bless you.

    Heather's mom & Harrison's Grams
