Friday, November 13, 2009

Mannina Family Portraits- the twins are 18 months old

I will never forget my maternity shoot with Jana Mannina. I had seen a lot of bellies before her, but never one as big as Jana's. She was pregnant with twins! I was amazed at how she was still standing. She said she had held out so she could get her maternity photos done, but she was ready to deliver as soon as we were done. Gianna and Mateo were born 6 days later!

I can't believe how time flies. The twins just turned 18 months old and Jana and Steve decided it was a perfect time to capture them on film and to have a professional family shoot. They will have an album to to look back at in years to come, as well as digital files so they can share photos with friends and family on the internet. The timing is perfect to have great photos for their holiday cards!

Remember when you are photographing your children not to worry so much about them looking right at the camera. A lot of my favorite shots are when the little ones are not aware of the camera. You are more likely to capture more of their personality. Also, zoom in. Close ups really show the children's expressions, and again, more of who they are. Set aside some time to follow them around and just keep shooting. The more time you give yourself to take photos of the kids, the better the chance of getting one of those priceless pictures.

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