Monday, January 18, 2010

Lucciano's Newborn Shoot

There is nothing like the smell of a newborn baby. If there is a newborn baby in the room, any mom will find her way to the newborn and ask to hold it. Usually some head sniffing occurs too. There is something so sweet and innocent about a newborn. I had two newborn shoots this week and it really is amazing to see and remember how tiny your baby was at 10 days old! My kids are almost 14 and 12 1/2 and it seems like yesterday they were so tiny. How do they grow up so fast?

It was a true pleasure photographing Lucciano and his parents. I have to say they were some of the most relaxed parents I have seen in a while. It was refreshing to see how comfortable they were with this little boy they had only known outside of the belly for 10 days! I must say, Lucciano was relaxed because of their comfort level with him. It was fantastic.

What a little doll he was. Handsome and sweet. We had a really fun shoot and I think that shows in the photos.

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