Monday, December 7, 2009

Madeleine Turns Two!

One of the best things about my job is that I have met so many amazing women and made so many  friends. Photographing a woman when she is pregnant is a very intimate experience and it brings me a level of closeness with so many of my clients, that I never expected. Then, being able to document their babies growing up, is icing on the cake. Most of my clients have not had the easiest time getting pregnant. I have heard so many heart braking stories along the way. This is why the photographs are extra special, these babies were very wanted and the pregnancies so carefully nurtured.

Miss Madeleine turns two today, and I had the pleasure of photographing her along with her family, last week. I will never forget the first email I received from her mom. She was so excited to photograph her pregnancy. Through the past two years I have photographed Maddie and her family several times and each time I love them more and more! Maddie has a sparkle in her eye and warmth from within. I know that comes from being wanted and loved so very much. Happy Birthday Maddie!